Local Partners and Stakeholders

Local partners involved in the actionlab are:

VITO is a research Institution and the project leader of WaterProtect. In Bollaertbeek, VITO will give support for the introduction of the participatory monitoring and the development of the water gouvernance strategy. VITO will also introduce the collaborative management tool at the level of the Bollaertbeek.



Inagro is action lab leader and responisble for the contacts with the farmers and the introduction of best management practices at farm level. It is also responsible for the introduction of the partipatory monitoring and the dissemination and communication actions in the catchment of the Bollaertbeek.


ILVO is a research institution and the research partner working on the development of water gouvernance strategy within the Bollaertbeek as case study. 


VMM is the flemish environment agency and as authority responsible for monitoring the water quality and the measurements program in the flemish river bassins (according tot he Water Framework Directive). In WaterProtect VMM will give support for the collection of water quality data.


De Watergroep is a drinking water company and an important stakeholder in this actionlab. De Watergroep will also give support in the collection of water quality data.

De Watergroep

WaterProtect Core Partners